Progress-Bulletin from Pomona, California (2024)

Upside-Down Cake Is Downright Good or until done. Let stand on or pass whipped cream, wire rack 5 minutes to cool! If it's a cranberry cake slightly. Loosen cake around youre making just use whole cranberry sauce Instead of fruit cocktail and proceed as above. edges and turn out upside-down on serving plate. Serve topped with whipped cream Cauliflower Salad Tasty Fieqr.ulltln, Femene, Calif.

W4n4y Evening, Mar. 1, 1941 Page 4, Sec. 3 Egg Fumigation Said Essential COLLEGE STATION, Tex. (UPD Fumigation of turkey eggs is an essential part of a flock sanitation and disease prevention program, the Texas College extension service reports. Para-typhoid organisms, which are being isolated from the intestinal tract may be present on the outer surface of the egg shell.

Proper fumigation with formaldehyde gas will not only reduce this source of infection, it will kill other organisms as well. Air Stewardess Forgets One Thing MEMPHIS; Tenn. (UPI) Blonde Eastern Air Lines stewardess Rowena Powers peeked into the pilot's cabin, and then made a red-faced run for the door she had just closed. Oh, I'm so sorry," she apologized to the pilot. Miss Powers said she had greeted her passengers as they boarded the plane for the Memphis trip from Atlanta, and then carefully locked the entrance door, leaving the pilot outside.

House spiders seldom bite unless disturbed and only a few kinds, such as the black widow, have a dangerous bite. 1 lere is a two in one special. Recipe for Fruit and Nut Upside down Cake makes dessert for tonight and cupcakes for tomorrow. Furthermore you can make fruit and nut upside down cake using canned fruit cocktail or ou can make a cranberry nut upside down cake. Not only that, you can use a packaged spice cake mix or a yellow cake mix.

Obey that impulse and try it several was. 1 ran (I pound fruit cocktail or 1 can (1 pound whole cranberry sauce 2 tablespoons butter or margarine. cup sugar 4 thin lemon slices i cup coarsely chopped walnuts or other nuts 1 package spice OR yellow cake mix Whipping cream, optional Drain fiuit cocktail, then combine fruit with cup of the cocktail syrup in 9 inch skillpt or other pan with ovenproof handle; add butter, sugar and lemon slices. Cook over low heat until lemon is slightly tender, stirring occasionally. Add nuts and mix.

Prepare cake mix batter lowing directions on package. Carefully pour 2 cups batter over fruit cocktail mixture. Bake remaining batter as cupcakes. Bake in moderate oen, 330 degrees, about 33 minutes lemon juice, 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish, teaspoon salt, teaspoon ground black pepper and 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or dairy sour cream. Toss lightly.

For a salad that is quite different and very good, try this cauliflower salad for a change. Use it for topping thin lettuce wedges. Wash a small head of cauliflower, separate into flowerets and chop very fine. Add 2 tablespoons finely chopped 2 tablespoons grated radishes, 2 teaspoons fresh Ever add chopped drained canned tomatoes to a meat loaf to make it juicy? If you try this, add a little extra salt. SPY WEAPON Fingerprinting" unknown elements in food you eat is the task performed by the ultraviolter spectrophotometer.

Shoppers Spur Food Research by Industry 'JW. PirBors UffifEBD 3 bankAmericard I mrl4.rri ferformoneo Tested, foetery Aehullt GENERATORS Fortory rebuilt kigtotf rtan-dordt and fully guaranteed. of food aid digestion? These are just a few of the answers we are going after, he added. The new Campbell laboratories have a staff of 90 scientist 17 of them Ph. D.s, occupying 39,000 square feet of working space.

Jet age equipment includes Infrared and ultraviolet recording spectrophotometers, radioactive tracers, a vapor phase (chromatograph), a polargraph and other sensitive devices for "fingerprinting" and identifying unknown compounds in food. Director of the laboratories is Dr. C. II. Krieger, an outstanding scientist, formerly research head of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

We want to find out how the body of every man, woman and child can use its food more efficiently," he stated. Our research will be designed to determine how food nutrients act as energy suppliers, how they act as bone and muscle builders." The relationship between physiological and psychological factors in nutrition is another secret Krieger and his staff hope to wring from tha life sciences. By GAYNOR MADDOX Newspaper Enterprise Assn. American consumers are becoming wiser about the value of food they buy for their families. Their mounting rejection of nutrionally poor products is forcing the food industry to speed basic research for 1961.

Thats the expert opinion of V. B. Murphy, president of Campbell Soup one of the largest food processors in the world. "Far-thinking a ies have expanded their research programs. I expect to see industry research expenditures grow to at least a quarter greater in the next three years, Murphy said last week at the opening of his coni-panys Food Science and Nutrition Laboratories in New Jersey.

1 Quality improvements in food will be aided by secrets which the complicated life sciences are just beginning to surrender," he predicted. Why docs chicken meat rhange flavor after its temperature readies 130 degrees? Docs flavor influence digestion and the bodys utilization of food? Does color and odor im Mart 6-rt can. IGNITION TUNE-UP KITS Hjwnvi Easy Spaghetti Dish Fine for Teen-Agers QUANTITY SIGHT RCSCKVEPI By GAYNOR MADDOX Newspaper Enterprise Assn. When March winds blow and teen age sports fans come to jour house with roaring appetites, feed them big with the minimum of Kitchen police duty afterwards. Try this hearty spaghetti with hot rolls, chilled soft drinks and tlleir favorite dessert ice cream and cake.

Use paper plates, cups and napkins to banish dishwash-ling. Then everyone will have fun. Nicest pait of this paity is the fact that the main duii can he prepared at any time I during the day, and then reheated when the 1 hungry guests arrive. i Spaghetti (makes serxings) 8 ounces package thin spaghetti 1 tablespoon cooking oil. 1 cup (hopped onion.

cup chopped celety. i cup chopped green pepper 1 pound ground beef chuck. 2 teaspoons salt. teaspoon peppier. l'j teaspoons chili powder.

1 No. 2-i can tomatoes. 1 12-ounce can whole kernel corn Break spaghetti into thirds. Cook as directed on package. Drain.

Heat cooking oil in skillet and cook onion, celery and green pepper over low heat until tender but not browned. Add meat, break into small pieces with fork and cook about 10 minutes. Add icmain-ing ingredients and mix with spaghetti. Turn into gieased 2-quart casserole. Cover with lid or aluminum foil.

Heat in moderate oven 1 330 degrees for 30 minutes. Note: If casserole has been refrigerated, reheat, coxeied for 43 minutes in model ate oven 330 degrees TO UR OLD TIRE ACCEPTED REGARDLESS Of CONDITION 14- mm aorta af Tyre. Tyrex it tba cartificotioa morlt of Tyraa. toe. for vikom lira yarn and card AM prict plu Ti old fir SHORlTOOLSlDiscountlRrice'd idaof far Many Haw bald Ueee.

transparent plastic MAT Cl aw eaeity WoTorproof ELECTRIC DRILL OSCILLATING SANDER FIT MOST- CARS FOR Hat powerful 1600 I AC-DC motor. For and ftoa landing. For finitbiag, paMaeg, an. mow only 88 Ida to oar COt mv For drawer or he (an, droto board, ato. 3 SOUS I SORTS 7015 SOUS 7.50114 S.OOH4 20 IS 13' WHh the foteat dtdya palm grip and hood-tight chuck.

Pork Roast Crowned With a Spicy Glaze LEATHER PLASTIC CLEANER leant, eoHeiil, protect! all laatbert. POWER JIG SAW Seven Sows In One I 5.30-5 SO 13 Exportly retreaded an first artfully selected casings. trieei F.d rtcrpprb Far barter reception AUTO AERIAL HaevRy ttoeae plotod 3-mcSom lop oeriaL Ex-tendt to 33" tead-ie cable. Eacy to Inrfall SPK1AL I 7" BLADE PORTABLE SOOO RFM Ceati witk rip MOTOR (aide, oatomatic dutch and heavy duty fan-cooled motor.

7-INCH BLADE Cutt 2x4 or doet delicate tcrall work. Hat cutting guide. Comat with 3 tpaciai blodet. for Washing Windows SQUEEGEE Special low price UNIVERSAL HUB PULLER Heavy duty construction, lorg pulling screw. Fitt oO cart.

ANTI-RUST WATER PUMP LUBRICANT Retardt forma-rton of rutt and icole. lubricate water pump, helps stop wear. Add la radiator PINT CAN 88 5V Has sponge BLADE for washing, rubber blade for wiping. IV Save ea off ear Tee Jrt Can't Seat Sap Say Frfeoef M2 i 2V needs. 39 mBM mmRwm $353 Remove Hub with fata Cfem- Clogged Orelrtt A Sink FLEXIBLE BASIN SNAKE thickest part.

Do not cover. Do not add water. Roast in a model ate oven 330' F.i for 3 to 4 hours, or until roast meat thermometer registers 183 F. Allow about 33 to 40 minutes per pound for roasting. During the last 20 to 30 minutes of roasting time, spread Spicy Apple Glaze over meat and return to oven to finish roasting.

Spicy Apple Glaze 1 cup chopped canned apples cup apple juice si cup cinnamon candies teaspoon ginger 2 teaspoons lemon juice Drain apples. Measure apple juice. If necessary, add water to apple juice to make cup. Combine apples, juice, cinnamon candies, ginger and lemon juice. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally, until thickened, for 12 to 13 minutes.

Yield: cup glaze. As a pie a's ant mealtime (ii.uige, your family will en-ioy a pork must, especially wlicn its attractively adorned with Spicy Apple Glaze. Remember that poik should always be cooked well-done. Roba Staggs, home economist, recommends a meat thermometer to insure the correct degree of doneness. Pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of 185 F.

Then for that extra treat, spread the spicy glaze on the roast 20 to 30 minutes before the end of the roasting time. Iork Loin Roast Spicy Apple Glaze 4 to 6 pound pork loin loast Salt and popper Spicy Apple Glaze I lave backbone removed from loin. Season. Plare fat side up on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer so bulb reaches center of Ftp Soy Earnout LIGHTER FLUID Save piive plumbing bills.

25 It. length. Comat to convenient holder. Smooth Selling Fay Cattfngf Oilaxs QsiRty Mmr Has thick tir, hotxJtdp and long wearing Sheffield stool bladet. GARDEN HOSE HANGER Extra big holdi up to 100 ft.

of plastic hose. Hot keyhole slot to hang from wall. GREASE High pressure lubricant, for can, trailers, trucks, etc. Us it in matt any grease gue. Featarot long wearing ShafField Peel blades hardwood handle, Ibick rubber II rev -Tiff MRS Atl Top quality, for all cigarette lighters.

Excellent spot remover, toe. 4-OZ. CAN vj jj A Typical Pep toy Value 69 39 SPECIAL I -LA. CAN TRAILER CLAMP 4-Way ffectrcof TRAILER PLUG 495 W. SECOND ST.


EUCLID AVE. ONTARIO YU. 6-8443 OPEN FRIDAY EVE. UNTIL 9 Foy to InrtaR mart ear bumpers. Solid no far hitch.

Dvrtproof Hoc a safety catch. 20" ROTARY 18" REEL TYPE 1 SJ19 SALE FOCI LOW MCI With recoil tartar Srigg A Stratton fng. TRAILER BALL i uz IV diometer bolt- AQC Fits evert trailer hitches. U7 Ef7raller Supplies Come to Pep toys! Keep a con handy in heme or cor FIRE EXTINGUISHER Spray con juit puih the button on top of the can Shoot a iproy 12 to IS feet. Safe end quick to use.

Lemon and Fish Go Together Fish has a special affinity for lemon juice. Rub fish with fresh lemon just belore cooking. It gives added flavor and removes fishy" odor. Squeeze a Idtle fresh lemon juice over seafood salads just befoio si'iving for added flavor and ficslinc'ss. Add a spaikle to poai hod fish by using a tablespoon of lemon juice to cadi quart of water when cooking.

For any fish not rich In fat, try lemon butter. Its wonderful basting sauce for barbecued fish. COGNAC ruxcii NEW YORK (UPI) Try cognac punch when company comes. Combine 2 bottles of cognac, 4 ounces of grenadine, 'j pint of curacao, the juice of 15 lemons and 4 oranges and 1 pounds of powdered sugar. Pour over a huge block of ue in a punch bowl and.

just Ih'Ioi sol mg, add 2 qu.uts of cliil) soda. 40 cups. Pumpkin-pic lasts a long lime when it is used only for pumpkin pies! Mix a little of it with sugar and use for filling the cme-cavitie of apples to bo baked or in a Brown Betty. cusTOM-conrEa INSIDE OUT ON HEADS. TUIES 0 SUfPQKTS Pep loys low, low price plu free in-tlallation fart, efficient service in our own service department.

Dodnr DcSote 0y cyl. TO Of'rtgr 6 cyl cfe Ptym 6cyl 42 59 Ciiv Clif'v cyl 54 hO Buich 49.52 Forrt V-B 54 59 Ptym. V.8 55-59, smgir r.lnu t. INSTALLED guaranteed rot thi yf or tout ex me reprn'en len ktee the ccr of which mufllhf purchesed. $595 Pont 35 54 Chev 6 41.53 nil Fo-ri 49-53 Mrrc.

Slertc. 47.54 Throttle, el etch choke eantroU are an handle. 694 INSTALLED MUFHIRS Wl MOST OTHfl CARS AT NORORTfCNATf LOW INSTALL? MICISf.

Progress-Bulletin from Pomona, California (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.